Some general info to be requested from potential new team mates for construction.
- The name of your firm
- Primary address
- Point of contact for estimates / negotiations ( include phone and email )
- Point of contact for contractual implementation and responses ( include phone and email )
- Do you have any special designations (WOSB, SB, Other minority, Veteran, etc.)
- Do you have any special licenses or certifications
- Are you familial with the prevailing wage requirements
- What is your geographical reach for performance, please note we perform work through out the Continental USA and surrounding territories.
- Where is your preferred place of performance
- What is the typical project size you prefer
- What is the maximum project size you can perform
- What is your minimum service call project size
- Do you perform engineering or design service
- Do you perform any testing
- What divisions and or disciplines do you perform
- What is your typical response time ( bids, mobilization, emergency response)
- What is you bonding capacity
- Do you have the capabilities to get your work force on secured government facilities
- What are the limits of your general liability
- Please list at least 3 references and the projects performed, ( Federal contracts performed preferred )
- Comment box – Please list any other helpful information