Celebrating the Life and Career of Katherine Johnson

“Mrs. Johnson, who died Feb. 24 at 101, went on to develop equations that helped the NACA and its successor, NASA, send astronauts into orbit and, later, to the moon. In 26 signed reports for the space agency, and in many more papers that bore others’ signatures on her work, she codified mathematical principles that remain at the core of human space travel.”

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STEM Business Innovator of the Year

Space Coast Women In Defense has announced 8-koi as the STEM Business Innovator of the Year for its construction of the 2020 Robotic Mining Competition (RMC) Indoor Arena at KSC!

The competition is designed to promote and engage students in the science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, disciplines critical to NASA’s missions. The newly constructed arena will host the international competition on May 18-22, 2020, at the The Astronauts Memorial Foundation and Education Center at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

Mark your calendar and come celebrate with us at Space Coast WID’s 7th Anniversary Event Saturday, January 25, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Courtyard by Marriott in Cocoa Beach.

Check out the 360 view of the arena.

9th Annual Florida Companies to Watch

Last year 8-koi was recognized as a Florida Company to Watch Honoree. Last Thursday 8-koi’s CEO Inga Young was there to support the 2019 honorees at the 9th Annual Florida Companies to Watch celebration at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando.

Congratulations, 2019 honorees!

Veterans Day

It’s Veterans Day, a time to thank those who are serving and have served. Today we reflect on the women and men who dedicate themselves to protecting and defending our country. Every day we have reason to be thankful because of those who serve. 8-koi is proud of our veteran employees.

If you’re wondering how you can express appreciation on Veterans Day, find out more here.

Veterans Day also offers discounts and free meals to our service men and women.

8-koi Leadership Update

8-koi has expanded its leadership team to support and maintain momentum of 8-koi’s growth. Welcome to the team Dean Rosenquist, 8-koi’s first Chief Operating Officer. Dean is a seasoned government contracting industry leader and retired Air Force Veteran.

Additionally, 8-koi has promoted current employees to head the industry divisions within the company. Rising to the leadership ranks are:

  • Otto Herrera is VP of Construction Division, formerly Project Manager at Cape Design Engineering Co.
  • Victor Diaz is VP of Design Engineering Division, formerly Project Manager at Cape Design Engineering Co.
  • Elizabeth Berry is VP of Healthcare Division, formerly Program Manager at Chenega Corp.

The company looks to designate a VP for its Technical Services Division. We are proud of our leadership and team. It’s a great day to be 8-koi.

Military Family Month

November is Military Family Month. Most of us know a military family or maybe you belong to a military family. What we know is alongside the heroes that serve and protect our country are the heroic families that support our men and women in service to our nation. Hundreds of thousands of women and men are currently deployed overseas. Taking the time to reflect on our troops, military families and their daily and sometimes lifelong sacrifices evokes care and compassion for those who may need it most. If you are a military family, check out Military OneSource. They’re offering families a Military Family Appreciation Kit. With deep appreciation, 8-koi thanks our military women, men and families.

Are you a military family? Please share with us your military hero.

National First Responders Day

It’s National First Responders Day and 8-koi has thanks to give to its first responder employees, including first responder with the Cuba Volunteer Fire Dept. in New Mexico, Ben Yeargin.

Pictured here is Ben in training for a 3,000 acre controlled burn. Each day Ben is prepared to respond to escalating or emergency situations involving wildland fires, traffic control for motor vehicle accidents, structure fires and search and rescue in local public lands.

Most recently Ben spent two weeks on assignment in the woods assisting the National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management to promote healthy forestry through controlled burns. Ben believes each one of us can benefit the greater good through volunteering or donating locally.

Do you know a first responder? Tell us about them.

NASA Business Opportunities Expo

WOSB 8-koi is making connections and looking for business opportunities today at the NASA Business Opportunities Expo. Many thanks to all our supporters, community, employees and leadership that allow us to be poised for new growth and opportunities.

NASA Lunabotics Competition Arena Construction at KSC Completed by 8-koi

8-koi has completed the construction contract to build the Robotic Mining Competition Indoor Arena at KSC in Florida. Awarded by the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC), 8-koi furnished all the labor, equipment, materials, transportation and supervision within a budget of $292,957.


The newly constructed arena will host the international competition on May 18-22, 2020, at the Astronauts Memorial Foundation in the Center for Space Education at KSC. Competing teams are challenged to design and build a robotic excavator that can excavate the most simulated lunar dirt within a specified time. Teams submit a systems engineering paper and educational outreach project. The competition is designed to promote and engage students in the science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, disciplines critical to NASA’s missions.

Check out the video from the previous Robotic Mining Competition.