Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center

8-koi provided the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) at Fort Detrick with comprehensive medical training and support services, ensuring readiness and certification for nearly 2,000 personnel, including senior military leaders and specialized units. Training Program Management: 8-koi coordinated the delivery of high-impact courses such as Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), Combat Life Saver (CLS), and Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS), maintaining a 100% certification success rate. Curriculum Expansion: 8-koi introduced new courses, including All Hazards Disaster Response (AHDR) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care for First Responders (TECC-LEO), to meet evolving mission requirements. Operational Continuity: During the COVID-19 telework period, 8-koi rapidly adapted training schedules and secured alternative facilities to ensure uninterrupted certification for medical staff. Sustainment and Evaluation: Using industry-recognized effectiveness models, 8-koi continually monitored performance outcomes, earning superior ratings for quality and reliability of training services.

“Service has been nothing but exceptional. Contractor has surpassed the expectation/requirements. A true attribute to MRDC.”